The Value of New Pet Care Lasts All Year

Whether you recently adopted a young puppy or kitten, or you’re the proud new owner of an adult or senior pet, you probably have quite the checklist. Between acquiring all the necessary gear and supplies, introducing your pet to their new world, and balancing all the other aspects of life, new pet care can be exhausting. The good news is that once you get into the flow of things, all that you’re juggling will eventually fall into place. The Gentle Vet is here to help you connect all the dots so your new pet can enjoy all that life has to offer.
Adding It Up
An often overlooked aspect of responsible pet ownership is the acknowledgement of the associated expenses. Without a doubt, the cost of new pet care is probably the highest in the first year, especially if your pet hasn’t been vaccinated, microchipped, or spayed/neutered.
Depending on your pet’s needs and medical history, the average cost of new pet care can range between $1,000 and $2,500 annually. This includes food, supplies, supplements, and veterinary care necessary for establishing optimal health.
Long-Lasting Effects
It can be daunting to add up the cost of new pet care, but we can assure you that once a healthy baseline is established, expenses tend to taper off. The impact of routine wellness care and preventive medicine simply cannot be overstated. Emphasizing day-to-day well-being can have a lasting effect on your pet’s future health. What you put into new pet care pays dividends in the long run.
Many health conditions that plague companion animals, including periodontal disease and diabetes, can be prevented. Routine veterinary visits and owner involvement influence a pet’s long-term health. As a pet ages, it becomes even more crucial to support their health, prevent disease, and treat symptoms early.
New Pet Care Around the Holidays
Arguably, new pet care is fun and meaningful no matter the season, but sharing the first holiday season together is quite special. While you should definitely prioritize fun and making memories, it is important to keep an eye on safety protocols.
Be aware of various items, from plants to foods, coming into the house. Chocolate, Xylitol, alcohol, and caffeinated goods are common offenders this time of year, but the holiday table needs surveillance, too. Foods containing garlic, sage, onions, and grapes/raisins should be strictly off-limits. Fatty foods, like gravy or butter, and meat with bones are also no-no’s.
Holiday pet safety must also include careful vigilance of battery-operated toys, tinsel, glass, and other items that could pose risks to your pet’s overall health and well-being.
Helpful Routines
It takes time to get to know your pet, and for them to learn about their new place in your household. The establishment of a routine is integral to their success at home. Try to keep meal times, bathroom breaks, exercise times, and bedtimes at the same times every single day. Any deviations from their routine can result in behavioral problems.
New Pet Care for the Ages
If you have any questions or concerns regarding new pet care, please call us at (330) 665-5915. From all of us at The Gentle Vet, have a safe and happy holiday season!